Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Restarting My Blog

I started a blog at one point, but got so busy with work and raising my son that I let it go.  I have decided to exit the Facebook world and restart my blog.  All of my old post are deleted so it will be like starting new.

I want to eliminate waste in my life...mostly from Facebook I feel like it is a waste of time.  I continue to find myself wondering why I have to mindlessly scroll through pages of pointless posts...mine often read anything worthwhile.  Do I really care if somebody I knew 20 years ago had tacos for lunch?  No, the answer is no.  Do I want to read 87 twitter posts?  No, if I wanted to read twitter posts then I would subscribe to twitter.  Do I care if you had a blowout in the back of your pants in an elevator full of people.  Yes, I would probably enjoy reading that.  Unfortunately those posts worth reading are few and far between. 

So, here's to hoping that you will follow my blog.  I won't be posting hourly, daily, maybe not even weekly, but you can be assured that when and what I do post will be worth reading.